Some Thoughts About Piracy in Magic
Here's an unusual thing that happened at the Ring 129 Workshop convention in St. Joe. During my lecture on Saturday, I somehow got on the topic of ethics, and I mentioned that every now and then someone would contact me with an ethical question. When that happens, I always respond, "You don't have an ethical question; you just want me to say that what you're about to do is okay."
So here's the unusual thing. That evening, one of the presenters told me that some time after my lecture one of the attendees came up to him and told him he had stolen an item from the lecturer's table. He said he felt bad about it, and then gave him thirty bucks. Wow.
I thought about this because of the following article, which is about piracy. I just finished my final edits on Part One of The Paradigm Shift ebooks. It is 75,000 words long. As with everything I've ever sold, it will not be copy protected. I'm simply going to ask purchasers to do the right thing. I hope they will. Feel free to comment your ideas or comments about this issue below.
Here's the link: https://www.thecreativepenn.com/2017/02/23/piracy/
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