Vanish Magazine #78 eBook DOWNLOAD
$2.99 USD
by Murphys
Paul Romhany started VANISH in 2011 and is considered the most cutting-edge magazine for magicians in the world. Each issue contains magic tricks, reviews, essays, feature stories and more.
104 pages
104 pages
- Feature artist is close-up magician Kevin Beathea.
- The year 2020 almost vanished - a look back at 2020
- In memory of Bev Bergeron
- Forcing a time on a borrowed watch - trick - Bev Bergeron
- Magical Women - Jenn Kramer
- Let's Taco About It - Christopher T Magician - family show magic
- The Floating Scepter - Trick - Christopher T. Magician
- Magic is Education - positivity by Jeff Christensen
- A Squib in The World - Felicity Fields
- Product Highlight - Unplugged XR by Ruben Viligrand
- Luis De Matoes #Conectados
- In The Nick of Time - Nick Lewin
- Flaming Jalapeno - Trick - Louie Foxx
- A Great Trick - Trick - Colin Underwood
- Maxi Twisted Location - Trick - Kelvin Ng
- Password Mystery - Trick - Dibya Guha
- What would Eric Do? - David J Attwood
- Magical Wisdom - Focus on Will Bradshaw
- Product Highlight - The Book Test Book by Jim Kleefeld
- Product Reviews - David Regals Color Change Knives, Airplane Mode by George Iglesias, Inconceivable by Luke Jonas, Gleam by William Alexis Houcke,
- TOP 10 Tricks of 2020 - Manifest, Split Focus, Ripped, Illuminati Products, Cubesmith, Thoughcast Pro, The Stragner, Mental Dice, Unplugged XLR, The Weiser Wallet