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closefamilyAt, our goal is to provide you with the best information possible, presented in a way that makes the learning process easy and satisfying. Our initial ebook offerings focused on the magic of Michael Close (The Complete Workers Ebook, Closely Guarded Secrets, The Work Volumes 1-3, and the highly anticipated new ebook, The Paradigm Shift), and these publications have been hailed as modern classics. In the months to come we will expand our line by publishing ebooks by some of the top professionals in the world, so please visit our website often.

In addition to our own publications, we offer a variety of products from other creators at a reasonable price. Please take a moment to peruse our catalog.

The blog will provide commentary on the current magic scene, information on the Penn & Teller: Fool Us series (Michael is one of the two magic consultants), and hints and tips that will make your magic better.

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